Report an Issue
Report An Electric Outage
If you are experiencing a power outage:
- Check all breakers
- Verify that you have an electric meter
Call FEC Russellville Office: 256-332-273
*After Hours: 256-332-8820
Call FEC Red Bay Office: 256-356-4413
*After Hours: 256-356-4455
Report Downed Power Lines
Call FEC Russellville Office: 256-332-2730
*After Hours: 256-332-8820
Call FEC Red Bay Office: 256-356-4413
*After Hours: 256-356-4455
- Downed power lines can be deadly.
- ALWAYS assume a downed power line is live and avoid going near it or anything in contact with it.
- Downed power lines can energize the ground up to 35 feet away.
- NEVER drive over downed power lines or through water that is in contact with them.
- NEVER try to move a downed power line.
- If your car comes in contact with a downed power line while you are inside, stay in the car.
- Do not touch any part of the car’s frame or any other metal. Use a cell phone or honk your horn to summon help.
- Allow only rescue personnel to approach the car.
Planned Maintenance Announcements
Please call FEC or fill in the form to the right to verify that we have a current phone number on file so that we can contact you in case of planned power outage or maintenance in your area.
Report Other Issue
Call FEC Russellville Office: 256-332-2730
*After Hours: 256-332-8820
Call FEC Red Bay Office: 256-356-4413
*After Hours: 256-356-4455
To report any issue that you may be experiencing.